Friday, November 15, 2013

Back to the States

Why, God?

I'm sure we have all asked this question at times, and this is where we found ourselves as we booked our plane tickets out of Nepal for October 25th, the last day on our tourist visas. In Nepal, you only get 5 months a year on a tourist visa, and to our great dismay, our work visas did not come through in time.

Wendy immediately realized that we would miss Christmas with the girls at the Peace Loving Home, who have taken us in as family. That was unacceptable, so we decided to celebrate early with them on October 24th. We had a wonderful evening together, ate a lot of food and even had a "Happy Birthday Jesus" cake as well! As you can see in the pictures, we were able to buy new winter coats for all of the girls, as well as a plush robe to keep Aama warm all winter. 

October 25 came and we were in tears to be leaving Nepal, still not understanding God's plan in this. After 30 hours of travel we made it back to Texas and were picked up by our son, Simon, who we we thrilled to see. It took about a week before we were feeling normal again from the 12 hour time difference - that is as bad as jet lag can get!

It has been great to see our friends and family, and God has seen fit to give us rest and rejuvenate our souls. Our plans for our stay in the states includes two weeks traveling and seeing our family and then getting back to work learning Nepali.

It has been fun watching God's plan come together for our lives, even though we don't always understand it or like it. He has placed his finger on some things we need to change or remove from our lives so we can better serve Him and the people of Nepal. Best of all, my marriage to Wendy has jumped to all new heights as God has us breaking down walls and defenses in our own marriage.

We look forward to spending as much time as possible with our family, friends and partners before we fly back to Nepal at the end of December.