Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Life in Nepal

My last few posts have been a bit serious, so I thought I'd lighten things up a bit this week with some pictures of what life is like here in Nepal...

Driving in Kathmandu - all directions go at once!

Electrical wires in Kathmandu! Even funnier when you consider that despite all of these wires, Nepal still doesn't have electric 24/7 unless you have an inverter (back-up battery)!
Kathmandu Department of Immigration Restrooms???
Nepal Dept. of Immigration Arrival Form.
Notice the 4th row down, the choices for SEX - Male, Female, Other???
Um, I hope they meant Pest Repeller, NOT Rest Repeller!

The life of many dogs in Nepal

The life of our dog, Assa ("assa" is the word for "hope" in Nepali... fitting since we're part of the HOPE Fund!) 

Assa looking out our bedroom window

And what is she looking at? That would be two buffalo plowing the field behind our house - although we are fairly certain Assa thought they were REALLY BIG dogs!

And what did I see when I recently looked out one of our windows at the field on the side of our house? I only wish I had seen buffalo plowing the field - instead I saw women BURNING the field!

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