Sunday, August 4, 2013


During our first trip to Nepal in June 2012, we met a wonderful couple named Ambika and Prem. They run an amazing childrens' home out of their house called The Peace Loving Home. This home takes in mostly young girls who are being persecuted for their Christianity by their own families. It was such a joy to find that this 'home" isn't run like an orphanage but like a true family which is filled with love and laughter.

Ambika and Prem almost immediately also took us in as family and became our very dear friends. While we were in the States preparing for our eventual move to Nepal, they would often keep in touch with us by phone and Skype. They would encourage us with much love and prayer. Since moving to Kathmandu this relationship has become even stronger and we have truly become pariwar (family.)

Once we got settled into our new place, we had the joy and pleasure of having their entire family over for an evening of food, fun, and great laughter. As a family of 3 we are not used to cooking for a family of 13. I (Sam) made them spagetti from scrath and even baked a mango cobbler (we love you mango season) that we enjoyed with ice cream.

Below are several pictures from our time together, though the pictures are not great the time we had together was! It was truly amazing and humbling to be able to serve this family and give them a much needed break and a fun outing for the chori (girls) as well as Aama (Ambika's 87 year old mom) who rarely leaves the house.
Aama and Wendy

The evening began so calmly

Slowly everyone starts having fun

Thank you, God (Dhanyabad Prabhu) for this food

Sam makes a great couch!

The girls each want a turn of Sam picking them up & tossing them on the bed

And then the girls decide Sam needs to be thrown on the bed

The exercise ball we brought from the States is a BIG hit with everyone

Top row left to right: Reena, Kamala, Wendy, Prem, Ambika, Aama and Shanti
Bottom row left to right: Upasna (head tilted), Sanu, Nabina, Anipa and Richa

No one was
harmed in the taking of this photo!


  1. I love reading about yall's adventures. I have been praying for yall and love to see that there is friendships being made. I would love to come visit!!!
